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Illinois AFL-CIO 
2022/2023 Voting Record is here!

Click the image for a PDF copy of the 
Illinois AFL-CIO 2022 / 2023 Voting Record

2024 Election Dates and Information

Find out more information about voting in the 2024 Election, including important dates for early voting, vote by mail, and the general election on November 5.

Registering To Vote In Illinois

Learn how to register on-line, by mail or in-person in Illinois.  You can vote early in most precincts beginning September 26, or register for permanent vote by mail status.

Register To Vote By Mail

Learn how to exercise your power
to vote either in person or by mail.  Once you registered to vote by mail, you can vote by mail in all future Illinois elections.

Labor 2024

The Illinois AFL-CIO supports the efforts of the local labor councils to elect local office-holders who will protect and advance the cause of working families through planning and executing education and voter contact programs on the local level. Union members are a very effective voice for working families.  Hundreds of union members hold local, state and federal offices in Illinois and special priority is placed on making sure endorsed union members are elected at all levels in Illinois.  Please click here for more information on union political efforts.

If you would like to help volunteer for this effort e-mail Illinois AFL-CIO Political Director, Bill Looby, at


The Illinois AFL-CIO makes endorsements for state and federal candidates and ballot initiatives including U.S. Senate, Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, Comptroller, Treasurer, U.S. Congress, State Legislature, Supreme and Appellate courts.  These endorsement recommendations are voted on by the statewide Committee on Political Education (COPE), made up of representatives from all affiliated unions, statewide councils and regional AFL-CIO organizations. This ensures that the full diversity of the labor movement and regional diversity of Illinois is reflected in the process.  The Illinois AFL-CIO Executive Board reviews and votes on final endorsements.  Click here for a copy of the 2022-2023 Voting Record.  

Office-holders are held accountable by the labor movement through tracking their actions on key issues that affect working families after they are elected.  Issues that affect all working people are included in the voting record.  A grade is assigned to each legislator or congressperson based on their level of support for working people.  

Congressional District COPE Chairs

Congressional District COPE Chairs (listed below) represent across the union spectrum and from all areas of the state.  The political arm of the Illinois AFL-CIO is moving forward with plans for Labor 2024.  COPE Chairs convene regional meetings to provide endorsement recommendations and carry out the state federation political program.

For more information, contact Illinois AFL-CIO Political Director - Bill Looby at 217-492-2612